Folklore ensemble Jurošík has been performing in Michalovce since 2011 under the guidance of Mgr. art. Peter Cicák. The ensemble has currently 48 members. They are all young dancers, singers and musicians who are full to the brim with perfect dance technique and spontaneous self expression.
Folklore ensemble Jurošík´s programme is inspired by the wealth of folklore traditions of Eastern Slovakia regions such as Zemplín, Abov, Šariš or Spiš but in its repertoire it also has some songs and dances from the entire Slovak territory. Its performances bring aunthentic and pure in style choreographies and they emphasize the purity of movement and songs. It also places emphasis on preserving original national folk costumes in consideration of stage performances. Thanks to its quality the ensemble ranks among the best amateur folklore ensembles in Slovakia.
During its short existence the ensemble has taken part in lots of performances in the surrounding of Michalovce as well as abroad e.g. International Folklore Festival in Východná, Myjava, Dubnica, Raslavice, Krivany and also in some foreign folklore festivals in Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Cyprus.
The ensemble regularly participates in various competitions.